Referral Marketing Case Study:
Civic Wallet
Referral Marketing with SpeechifAI
GOAL: Activate customers to refer a product or service to their friends and followers on social media.
Civic Technologies, a San-Francisco based company, is a market leader in blockchain identity verification solutions.
Since July 24th 2019, Civic Technologies has been running a community activation campaign using SpeechifAI for the launch of their new wallet app, Civic Wallet.
To view the Civic Wallet campaign sharing page on SpeechifAI, click here.
Preferred Platforms: Facebook & Twitter
Civic Technologies onboard their existing users onto the SpeechifAI platform through targeted email blasts.
Key Metrics & Results:
0.81 Shares per User 0.44 Clicks per Share $7.2 Generated Value per Click
Want to see how SpeechifAI works in action?
You can browse posts that the Civic Technologies user community have shared through SpeechifAI on Twitter by searching #CivicWalletTeam.
"Over the course of 5 months, using SpeechifAI drove over 50,000 user shares for our campaign. The SpeechifAI team is incredibly dedicated to building a robust platform in response to their clients' needs and ship quickly as well. Client feedback is taken into account and we iterate together to prioritize features that address our business needs. The team is also very responsive when it comes to support and guidance on best practices to optimize shares. I highly recommend using SpeechifAI to amplify reach for your campaign."
Nancy Li, Marketing Director at Civic Technologies
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